Today is the 101st day of 2005, and I've lived in my new apartment for five weeks. So why are there still boxes behind me and empty spaces on my bookshelves? Hmm.
I haven't seen any movies yet this year, but I did get to see David Sedaris read some of his stories the other night. A couple of friends were there as well, and it was fun to have a personality often heard on NPR, right here in Jacksonville.
Two movies which are coming out soon that I do want to see are The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Star Wars:The Revenge of the Sith.
I heard a reference to this story on NPR as I got home from work, but the first place I saw the story online was on cbc:
U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has made a surprise trip to Iraq and warned the country's new interim leaders against political purges and cronyism that could spark "lack of confidence or corruption in government."
Too bad he didn't warn our interim leader against poltical purges and cronyism. Certainly wouldn't want corruption or a lack of confidence in our government, now would we?