Sitting here after work watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The new headmistress is just creepy. I'm pretty sure she'd qualify to be part of Bush XLIII's cabinet.
First day with the new folks just happened to be on the day before payday, with checks covering the last two full weeks of '07. Fortunately, we'll be off to a good start for this year and the newest people should get a quick up-training on how to properly use the payroll system.
In other news, apparently the anti-family amendment in Florida is off to a rougher start than they thought. Yay for that!

Today is my last day working with my current team at HDCS. This team was the first group I managed here, and I've had the team since mid-June 2006. There's been some turnover and some great new people have come on board. I'll miss them.
I start with my new group (moving from team 91 to team 97 in the same division) on Monday. They say the C in Citi stands for "change" :-)

Ok, so it's not a new job for me; it's a new job for Six, the boyfriend/partner person. Told me last night that he'll be starting a weekend position helping an electrician friend of his. Not unpredictably, this person has the same name as someone else who is also an electrician friend, so I'm sure I'll be frequently asking "which 'Xxxx' is this" when hearing about stories. This new position will impact our relationship; he'll have more spending cash, but less time to use it since he'll be working 7 days a week. Not sure of the start-time, nor the number of hours yet. Guess we'll see on Saturday.

Time flies when you're not paying attention, eh?
Today is the fourth day of 2008, and the year is off to an interesting start. It seems that I've brought South Dakota chill back to Florida when we arrived back in Jacksonville. I have yet to send my thank-you cards from Christmas, though that should happen this weekend, and the Iowa caucuses (guess you might say "cauci" pronounced like "cockeye") have declared Barack Obama (D-IL) and Mike Huckabee (R-AR) as the winners. Looking forward to New Hampshire to see who gets the nod there. History is nifty and all, but Iowa and New Hampshire are hardly representative of the average US voter. Wierdly, I think that's a little ok :)
Work will be experiencing changes this year as well, possibly as early as February. Not sure what the changes look like yet...