10387.7 So, moving to Jacksonville. Need to, in no particular order, find a place to live, get a new car that will survive the 1700 mile trip from Sioux Falls, get a uHaul, repack all the empty boxes, send some clothes to goodyear, goodwill..whatever, tidy up the Rainbow Alliance (fka the Sioux Empire Gay & Lesbian Coaltion) things & officially resign after I run Tuesday's meeting, update addresses with everybody everywhere, figure out what Christmas looks like (my sister & her lesbian grrlfriend are flying home for the holidays, why not me?), do two friend's birthdays and Thanksgiving, work a normal schedule +7 hours this week and next week. I think that's all.
Well, yay, strike one thing off... the 1992 Tempo with 122,253 miles that I've had for 10 years this month is history, replaced by a 2003 Taurus. Would have gone for the Saturn, but you can't buy a car just because the sales guy is cute.
So it was
written by Andrew @ 03:28 on