To use a term which seems appropriate in this case,
Drudge and other Bush supporters appear to be grasping
at straws in a pathetic attempt to salvage some sort
of positive news for their campaign. Given the
inability to do so, the next best appears to be to use
distraction to try to find a negative point about
Senator Kerry. After nearly every poll shows that
Kerry soundly trounced the President, who
alternatively looked defensive, out of ideas "..but I
see we still have a little bit more time....uh..." or
simply irritated with the questions and answers being
provided, it's no surprise that the Bush campaign
would pull out a tactic reminiscent of Korean gymnast
Kim Dae-Eun after being defeated by American Paul Hamm
at this summer's Athens Olympic Games. Once again,
there is no instant replay. Here we have seen the
reason why the sitting President, a self-styled 'war
president', has given fewer news conferences than any
other president since WWII -- eleven such solo
conferences thus far; his father, by comparison in the
same time frame, gave 71 (from The New Yorker).
Of course, if we want to quote the rulebook, we can do
that too. The very next section is blatantly violated
on georgewbush.com and on TV stations in swing states
around the country. Section 5(e) of the Memorandum of
Understanding states that "Neither film footage nor
video footage nor any audio excerpts from the debates
may be used publicly by either candidates campaign
through any means, including but not limited to,
radio, television, internet, or videotapes, whether
broadcast or distributed in any other manner." But
that would just degenerate into a fourth grade battle
of "he hit me first."
Big picture, people. A few years ago, Clinton lied
about sex and impeachment hearings began. Last year,
Bush lied about reasons to go to war and nearly 1100
Americans (and don't forget 68 British and 13 Polish
soliders from the "grand" coalition) have been killed.
To quote from the debate, Kerry "made a mistake in
how (he) talked about the war. The president made a
mistake in invading Iraq. Which is worse?"
I rather enjoy the fact that both Kerry's and Bush's
campaign websites show the same person at the top.
That person is John Kerry.
PS Check here to see what Kerry actually pulled out of
his pocket. Thank you, Brad Blog.
--- someone in FL
> Tsk, tsk...
> http://www.drudgereport.com/dnc57.htm
> Why can't liberal democrats play by the rules?
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