Ok - so the re-scheduling drama at work has passed,
and I've captured a plane ticket north in time for the
holidays. Yay for getting bumped on the way to Pride
this summer. The ticket costs me $5 (five dollars)
roundtrip. At least the rental car is going to cost
less than the ticket would have normally. :)
First, my new schedule starts on November 7th, and I
get to be even more of a night owl than I am now.
I'll be working Mon-Fri 7:00-3:30. Yeah, that's 7
o'clock PM to 3:30 AM. I also work every third weekend
with a Thursday off on the affected weeks (working
20-21 Nov & 11-12 Dec, for ex) I'm awake then, I may
as well be at work, right?
That leads me to...
Christmas Travel Plans
Going from a 10 hour day to an 8 hour day has given me
a bit more workable time to schedule as vacation, and
by using one personal/health day, I managed to make 20
December be my last working day in 2004.
Tuesday, 21 Dec: Jax to Mpls on NW #1551
depart 5:55pm
arrive 8:15pm
Friday, 31 Dec: Mpls to Jax on NW #1548
depart 12:55pm
arrive 5:10pm
Rapid City didn't have any flights with open seats
where I could use my travel credit voucher (*other
restrictions may apply), and Sioux Falls only had one
coming in very late on the 24th, so I picked
Minneapolis. Since there's people that I wanted to
see in Mpls, Sioux Falls, and Wall :) and I haven't
been up there in a while, I figured I'd fly into one
of the three cities and do a bit of travelling. At
this point, I'm looking at this as a rough schedule:
Tue 21 Dec - arrive in Minneapolis
Wed 22 Dec - Minneapolis - St Paul
Thu 23 Dec - Sioux Falls (or Wall)
Fri 24 Dec thru Tue 28 Dec - Wall / Rapid City
Wed 29 Dec - Sioux Falls
Thu 30 Dec - Sioux Falls (and/or Mpls)
Fri 31 Dec - Minneapolis
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