Happy Happy Happy!
Completely stream-of-conciousness entry today. woohoo I just got off the phone with a fabulous new "guy I met" .. 'twas the "official" day-after phone call and although I'd called yesterday evening to say that was *my* day-after, he's correct in that today (Friday) is really the day-After, since yesterday morning (heeehee) and yesterday evening are in the same day.
Anyway, after admitting that he'd called my number without the correct area code, more on that in a sec, he'd left a.. i think he said 'sleazy' lol message on a complete stranger's voicemail. omg roflmao!! Where the area code problem came from is that, even though I've lived here in Flordia for nearly 11 months now, I still use a SD cell phone (605) and haven't changed to a NE Florida number yet (904) nor do I have a landline.. I'm one of those trendy, unpollable people I guess. So when I called his number, and his vm went "891..blah blah is not available", being geeky I said "hello 891--blah blah, this is 261-blah blah" and assumed that he had my number in his cell phonebook, which he does, but he just dialed the number right out with out doing the speed dial thing... oh my, to be a fly on the wall when who ever gets that vm... it'd be a number in Fernandina Beach, which is close to Jacksonville, and of course, I have no idea who has this area code's version of my number.
I'm SOOOO happy that he called today . Oh my. I mean, not to be jinxy.. i know, ship has sailed, but do you want me to start listing the ways this guy is just Wonderful? An award-winning writer and editor, Mr Homosexual (his term) from being involved with NGLTF from waay back in 1994, being the Pres of the Jax G&L Community org back in the day, has a younger sister, his mom played clarinet, he was in band in high school, has been to Europe, speaks bits of languages, just the right size for snuggling, likes Star Trek and the West Wing, like artsy things and Brought Me a Sprig of Oregano from his Kitchen Garden on the First Date..... (giddiness).. ok, a little intimidated by the whole "award-winning writer thing" but at the same time, waaay enticed by the intellectual aspect to go with the physical attraction. MMMmmmmmm.
Oh, lol, if Gobi or Catherine were to look at me now, they would collapse in puddles of laughter in comparison to the cold-fish Andrew from college. If only the work schedules matched better.. I mean I have sick time I could use, but my shift is sparse as it is so I have to be careful with it, to save some for Xmas time and for next year's bonus, but I could soooo call in gay to work, because he's off work in 13 minutes and I go to work in 103 minutes... I won't because I'm too bloody responsible.. but you know I want to.. I know, better in the long term. Self-denial and delayed gratification and all that. Yeeeeeheee... how many people do you know that can use the term "cognitive dissonance" when discussing the wierdness of waking up in the morning.. while waking up in the morning?Hmm....
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