

Grr - had to get a new battery for the car today. It hasn't been cold - barely touched freezing the other night, but a woman I work with insists that it's because I'm driving a "Northern Battery" in a "Southern Winter." Somehow the summer heat and pseudo-chill has confused the poor thing and run it dry. Mmhmm, yes ma'am, I'll have that looked into right away. It's a 2003 car - I'm just glad it wasn't the alternator. The battery was enough; yay at least for AAA and the tow.

Yay - finally got some of my frost pictures scanned in. Not all of them are ready at full-size yet, but they're fun. Should have some Jacksonville downtown and manatee pics up soon, too.

Yay - I'm reminded again why I love The West Wing. Not only does CJ Craig rock, but I get to learn the proper use of colorful regional colloquialisms like "Hell, Yeah!" Alas, an episode without Josh and Donna is a little sad.

Time to go prep for dinner with a certain guy. :)
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