Mixed bag today. It's kinda cloudy and gray out and I'm a little bummed that I fell asleep on my couch last night and missed half of Enterprise last night. The sleep was well-earned, however. Instead of my normal 7pm start at work, I'd been going in at 10am this Thursday and Friday, and Thursday night was a late, late night. /end.bummed.part
Thursday was a late, late night in part because of a symphony concert that I was invited to by a certain attractive and interesting man. And, of course, after being a "seat companion" at a concert, one must also host the reflective writing phase which follows said concert. Well, most people wouldn't probably really do that, but it seemed like a good idea to me. :) And when the reflective writing is occasionally interrupted by West Wing and other assorted points of conversation, it takes longer and the night gets later. It's a good thing. Still really new, but also really interesting. Really. [Smile]
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