

Happy New Year - may it be better than 2004!

Among the disasters of 2004 were Bonnie, Charlie, Frances, Ivan, Jeanne, George (the election, not the hurricane) and the Boxing Day tsunami. There's been much written about the tsunami that occurred about a fortnight ago, and I wasn't there -- I don't think I know anyone who was seriously impacted -- so I won't say much. I am amazed by three things: the amount and breadth of destruction, the readiness of people around the world to donate to the recovery, and the resilience of the local people in the directly-affected areas, who will rebuild and continue living, just as they have for thousands of years. The Sea giveth much, and the Sea taketh much away, and the Sea will give again.

On other thoughts: I don't have the frost pictures ready yet; they'll be up later next week. And the plan is to get a (904) Jacksonville-based telephone number this coming Saturday, to mark 13 months of living here.

I've been rather lax about updating this, and now it's been two weeks. Alas. In that time, I spent a couple of days in Sioux Falls, SD, catching up with a number of friends at my old house and at Touchéz and at the homes of a couple of other friends. Of course, I also had to stop by Rue 41 for a yummy sandwich and one of their fabulous scones. Fahti is cool; she remembers me from one random conversation about Boston, and now says hi when I pop in on my once-every-six-months visits to Sioux Falls.

Then, after an overnight in St Paul, MN, where I happily saw more people than expected, I flew back here in time for New Year's Eve at the beach with some fun people.

Unfortunately, the man I wanted to kiss at midnight was in Montréal at the time. But he's back now. That's very happy-making for me. He was so cute stressing out about my lack of kitchen salt when he came over today and we were making brunch. Good times.

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